COVID-19 Communications
Message from Mr Hamp and Mr Thomas:
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are looking forward to having all the children back on Monday 8th March. As part of the transition back into school all secondary age pupils, where we have received parent/carer consent, will be offered a lateral flow Covid-19 test on the Monday 8th March or Tuesday 9th March.
We are aware that the testing process may cause heightened anxiety for some pupils and as result, we are offering the opportunity for secondary age pupils to drop into school on Friday 5th March to perform a test in a quieter, de-sensitised environment. Please be aware that we cannot arrange transport for this opportunity and it would be up to you as individual parent/carers to transport your son/daughter to school.
If you would like to partake in this opportunity then please contact who will arrange a time for you to attend school. If you would like more information on testing, then please look at the schools Facebook page where there is a video explaining the process your son/daughter will undertake.
Kind Regards
Mike Thomas
Friday 1st January 2021
Dear Parent / Carer
Re: Return to School. Tuesday 5th January as planned for Primary pupils.
Wednesday 6th January for Secondary pupils.
Happy New Year! Never has the phrase needed to mean so much. I hope that you’ve had the best time possible over the past two weeks.
You will be aware of the changes in tiers, the additional pressures on schools to deliver lateral flow testing and the proposed delay to the start of term 3 nationally for secondary aged pupils. To clarify we will resume as planned with our training day on Monday January 4th. School will reopen and all primary Pupils will return on January 5th.
All secondary aged pupils ( year 7-11) will return a day later on Wednesday 6th.
Current Planned Schedule:
Friday 1st. SLT meeting. Confirm planning and send comms to parents, staff.
Monday 4th. Training day. ( already booked in and communicated)
-Set up testing area.
-further Alert all staff.
Tuesday 5th. All primary return ( Passenger Transport willing)
-Secondary pupils stay off school to enable specific training for secondary tutors and associated staff (building from closest relationships) re testing.
-tutors communicate with parents to gain verbal consent.
Wednesday 6th. Secondary pupils return.
Monday 11th. Testing begins.
Therefore In the week January 4th-11th we will assess our capability to deliver testing for secondary aged pupils whilst gaining your consent. All our precautionary measures will remain robust and further levels of communication as required will follow.
Here is some information for you on the tests that you may find useful:
Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) in schools
The government has asked schools to conduct a LFT programme due to the concern that asymptomatic cases in young people will lead to the spread of coronavirus and a huge rise in cases in local communities.
What is a LFT?
The LFT is a type of COVID test. The person being tested is required to swab their nose and throat and the test is carried out immediately, with results being given in approximately 30 minutes.
What if the LFT is positive?
Staff and students who test positive will be informed about their results individually. Parents or legal guardians of students will also be notified.
What if the LFT is negative?
If the LFT is negative, no further action is required. However, it is vital that students still follow our social distance bubbles, have good hand hygiene, wear a facemask when moving around the building and have well- ventilated rooms.
We are continuing to work with the Department for Education in order to be in a position to provide testing to as many secondary-age students as soon as possible, for Covid-19, in January.
I do appreciate how difficult it is for those of you with secondary aged pupils to change plans at this late stage which is why I wanted to contact to give you as much time as possible to put arrangements in place. As you can imagine, this new change will be logistically challenging, therefore your patience will be much appreciated. We will communicate any further changes and updates as soon as possible on Monday 4th January 2021.
Thank you again for all your support throughout 2020. We will need this again through 2021. Much as I know that we all want and need assurance, everything indicates that there will be further disruptions at some point in 2021 and the only intelligent standpoint is to be aware of this and to be prepared for it. We will continue to communicate as effectively and frequently as we need to.
Please also be assured that your children’s teachers and all the staff who support in many other roles, will continue to adapt and to serve, and worked tirelessly in 2020 to meet need. Much will be asked of them again and I have no doubt that they will meet the challenge. Please support them and remember that they have their families and their worries too.
We are looking forward to seeing your children on the 5th and 6th and then getting back to what we do best!
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
Mike Thomas
Covid 19 Update Tuesday 15th September 2020
A spokesperson for Springfields Academy said:
“We can confirm that a pupil at Springfields Academy, Calne, has tested positive for COVID-19.
“In line with guidance from the Department for Education and Public Health England, all children and staff in the classes affected are now self-isolating and return to school on the 28th September. A deep clean of the zone and classrooms that the group was based in, is also taking place as a further precautionary measure.
“In the meantime, we will revert to providing virtual learning for all absent pupils whilst they are at home, so that they can continue their learning.
“The safety of our pupils and staff is our number one priority and we have written to parents to inform them and to reassure them of our processes and practices.”
Messages from Mr Hamp
3rd September 2020
Dear Parent / Carer
It is fantastic to see the children returning to school today. This is what we are all about. Thank you for your trust in us to make this work.
I hope that the information that has been sent to you and the conversations that teachers have had, have answered your questions. If not please go back to your child’s teacher for clarification.
Please can I insist that you do not send your child to school if they are showing any symptoms. Children should be in school only if and when there has been:
- No high temperature or feeling unwell in the last 24 hours.
- No new or regular cough in the last 24 hours.
- No change to sense of taste and smell in the last 24 hours.
- No contact with anyone with these symptoms in the last 24 hours.
- No contact from NHS Test and Trace and message to self-isolate for you, your child or any household member.
Please help us prevent infection. If your child cannot attend due to isolation or illness, we will provide a personalised package of learning as we did through lockdown.
Teachers will review all arrangements on a daily and weekly basis and communicate any changes to you. Remain assured that we take safety as our key priority. We know how important it is to you that we stay open.
On another note, our expectation on return is for full uniform.
We will do all and everything we can to make this work. Please work with us. For further and fuller information please refer to the website.
Yours sincerely
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher. Springfields Academy.
ReachSouth Director SEND.
30th August 2020
Dear Parent / Carer
I hope that in our current situation that you have remained well and that hopefully you were able to have some sort of break. We are now looking forward to welcoming all our pupils back to Springfields during September.
However, I am fully aware that we return to school with the risk of infection from Covid 19 still a very real part of our lives. Leaders have been working hard over the summer to ensure the appropriate measures are in place for pupils returning to school safely. For detailed information regards your child’s transition into school please reference your child’s transition Padlet for social skills support including videos and photos of their classrooms, social stories, additional hygiene measures, routines and the opportunity to ask questions.
Key Questions:
Does my child have to attend school in September?
On the North site we look forward to welcoming pupils back on the following dates in September:
- Years 9,10, 11 – Thursday 3rd September
- Years 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 – Monday 7th September
On the South site the pupils who attended school during term 6 will return on Thursday 3rd September. Pupils returning to school for the first time since lockdown will return on Monday 7th September.
If you have any specific questions/concerns regarding this, please contact your child’s teacher/tutor directly.
If your child is a new admission to the academy they will have a personalised start date. If you have any concerns regards this date please contact Therese Flaherty, Parent Support Advisor.
How will you keep my child safe?
We will be putting in measures to keep our community as safe as possible. Please read the attached Parent Autumn Term 2020 opening and also note the attached information about face coverings.
What will my child wear?
School uniform must be worn each day.
Can I call into the school office?
No, the site is closed except for essential contractors and pre-arranged deliveries. Please call or email us.
Will children social distance in school?
Yes, we will be operating the same distancing procedures that were in place in June. Adults will distance from children as much as possible.
What will happen is there is a local lockdown?
We will take advice from Public Health. We may be asked to close to all pupils with the exception of Key Worker or vulnerable children. Home Learning will then resume through Padlet with the support of the school as before.
If you have any specific questions/concerns regarding this, please contact your child’s teacher/tutor directly.
I attach a number of other documents that contain useful information and indicate how seriously we have taken the return to school and how seriously we have planned to prevent infection.
Additionally teachers have and will be reminded that our first priority is preventing infection and reducing anxiety so that as soon as possible , as we saw in June before the summer holiday, learning can take place in class.
Teachers will review all arrangements on a daily and weekly basis and communicate any changes to you. Please be assured that we take safety as our key priority. We know how important it is that we stay open. To support us please ensure you do not send your child to school if they or any member of your household display any of the major symptoms
(see Daily Health Check attached).
We will do all we can to make this work. Please work with us.
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher. Springfields Academy.
ReachSouth Director SEND.
Tuesday 2nd July 2020
Dear Parent / Carer
As previously communicated Springfields, both north and south, will more fully open to pupils, where places have been requested, in the week beginning June 8. (Where places have currently been declined, virtual learning will continue.) Due to the pressures on passenger transport ifou have changed your mind about your child coming back to site there will be a delay now, whilst transport is organised, of approximately 10 days.
I need the time this week to reassemble the whole team after half term, so that our collective knowledge and experience,(and especially the teachers in depth knowledge of your child) can be built into every aspect of our planning.
Today, I can confirm for week beginning June 8:
- Detailed risk assessment and planning has taken place and will continue to take place throughout the next few weeks. Our planning for your child’s safety will be signed off by Reach South director of health and safety, Ian Carnwell, the CEO Dean Ashton, and myself.
- You will receive the FULL details of the plan for your child’s return by Thursday June 4 latest.
Brief summary points.
- The school day will run to its usual schedule. 0830-1430.
- Social distancing measures will be in place in classrooms and across all areas of the school. (including break and lunchtime)
- Your child will work with a limited number of children and adults. We aim for two adults in each class maximum. Their teacher and one other. Note therapeutic and other support staff will be available.
- We will not ignore the situation that we have all lived through, but we will be aiming to resume education and routines, building from, and celebrating all that has been achieved with your support at home.
- You will be asked to share all aspects of your child’s health and the health of your household on a daily basis so that we all work together to protect what we are putting back together.
- In the right way we will check your child’s health, on arrival In school, for the reasons above. This will be subtle and non-intrusive.
- There will be no hot meals available. You will need to provide a packed lunch.
- We will request that uniform is worn as this should serve as part of the ‘normal’ routine of school and help to ease anxiety. However, it is not critical, if it causes you difficulty, in the short term.
- If you intend to transport your own child you must communicate this to us next week. Please appreciate that we need to restrict the numbers on site so for your sake you must not come into any buildings. We will meet you at your car. If you are walking your child onto site we will meet you at the gate (Calne town end) We do not intend to hold face to face meetings.
- We do not encourage the wearing of PPE. PPE can contribute to anxiety and when incorrectly worn and not frequently cleaned or replaced can affect, rather than limit, infection rates.
- We are working closely with passenger transport so that communication is crystal clear and will not change after that point.
So, as ever I call on your patience and trust. More than ever we will need both. Information sharing about your child’s health and wellbeing has never been more vital. Once we begin to open up we only want to move forwards. There cannot be one step backward from that point.
Thank you for your patience and trust to date.
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher
Friday 15th May 2020
To: Parents/Carers Subject: Possible opening of Springfields in June
Dear Parents/Carers,
We know that you will have seen in the news that schools may open to a wider group of children on 1 June, IF the government and the Trust think it is safe to do so. There will be lots more guidance and debate between now and then which may change this date.
Using all the guidance that we have, and our knowledge and expertise regarding our site and your children we are taking the time to create a risk assessment and action plan for the wider opening of Springfields, both North and South. We will share the details of this information with you as soon as possible. These documents will be explicit about the measures we are taking to control and limit risks. We recognise that it is a very unsettling time for us all, but please rest assured that we will not open the school for any pupils unless strict control measures can be put into place.
Please note that as classes need to be smaller in number so that social distancing can be in place, we may not be able to take all children on a full-time basis. Some children will be in school part time.
We understand that it will be difficult for you to make an informed decision on sending your child back to school, without knowing the detail of our plans. However, thank you for giving us a sense this week, of your current thinking about the possible return to school in June. Attendance is encouraged but is voluntary in the sense that no action will be taken (such as a penalty notice) if you choose not to send your child. Learning will continue, as it is now, through our virtual school.
I would like to thank you for your continuing support in helping your child to learn from home and your support for our school. Please take care and stay safe.
If you have any questions, please contact admin@springfields
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher
Friday 8th May
Dear Parent /Carer
I don’t underestimate the challenges you’ve all faced over the past seven weeks , and that task, clearly is not yet over. This is a time that we could choose to look on as one of great difficulty and loss. One of our Governors sent me some words from a School Principal in South Africa recently, which turn this around so that families can possibly look at what has been gained in this time.
He felt that COVID 19 could have advanced and supported children in the long term because:
‘What if they have more empathy, they enjoy family connection, they can be more creative and entertain themselves, they love to read, they love to express themselves in writing.
What if they enjoy the simple things, like their own backyard and sitting near a window in the quiet?
What if they notice the birds and the dates, the different flowers emerge, and the calming renewal of a gentle rain shower?
What if this generation is the one to learn to cook, organize their space, do their laundry, and keep a well-run home?
What if they learn to live with less?
What if they learn to plan shopping trips and meals at home?
What if they learn the value of eating together as a family and finding the good to share in the small delights of the everyday?
What if they are the ones to place great value on our teachers and educational professionals, librarians, public servants and the previously invisible essential support workers like drivers, cashiers, and health care workers and their supporting staff, just to name a few of the millions taking care of us right now while we are sheltered?
What if among these children, people emerge who once had the benefit of a slower pace and a simpler life, who has empathy and care and concern for fellow humans.
What if he or she truly learns what really matters in all this?
I know that not all of the above will be relevant, but it makes a point about reflecting on the smallest things and moments that have occurred, many of which have been beautifully captured through your feedback and celebrated in our weekly news.
In the short term can I also share a useful link to a safeguarding hub that allows you to access interactive guidance on setting up parental controls on your child’s devices, as well as guidance on apps like TikTok, YouTube and Instagram and more.
I hope this may be of use to you.
Many thanks as ever. Take care and stay well.
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher. Springfields Academy.
ReachSouth Director SEND.
Friday 1st May
Dear Parent / Carer
Thank you as ever for all your support especially with the weather being a lot less kind this week. This week’s celebration news indicates what an outstanding start we’ve all made to term 5. I know that Ofsted will be asking us what we did during the lockdown, why and how it turned out! I will be showing them the pictures that you’ve provided. Many, many thanks for all of these.
Just to reiterate what you already know, there is no date set for re-opening. All that is clear is that we will be given a better period of notice than we had to close! SLT are busy planning……….. and all staff are thinking about how we will support your child’s successful transition back to school. We know how important it will be to get this right when transition has such a powerful and long-lasting effect on outcomes as well as impacting on self-esteem and emotional wellbeing.
Staff have a duty to build a sense of safety, and understand the importance of this. It is vital that we create an environment where they feel able to cope with their emotions and feel safe. As ever, we will offer kindness and comfort as we continue with routine activities, to promote a sense of safety.
The small details will be vital and they will be everywhere. I assure you the whole team is eager to reform and put its our collective strength to supporting you and your child in school.
Have a good weekend. Take care and stay well.
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher. Springfields Academy.
ReachSouth Director SEND.
24th April 2020
Dear Parent / Carer
We’re all beginning to think about when and significantly how, we will return. There are no dates or timing to confirm with you yet, but the thinking and the planning has begun. When return happens it must be as safe as it possibly can be; it won’t be rushed and it will have be about safety. We won’t be pretending that everything is normal, but we will rebuild the familiar so that the children re-establish Springfields as their safe place.
For some, the return to school will be greeted with relief, but we know that we will all have been changed by the experience of C19. We will recognise and allow for this by being kind to each across the whole organisation. There is much that we will have to acknowledge; we know the re-establishment of routines may be difficult. This will not just be for school routines; it will also be for daily life routines, such as sleep and getting up. We will all need to allow time to re-learn the rhythm of the school.
But, please be assured, the whole team are veterans already in managing change, and will make this work.
Thank you , as ever for all you’re doing to support us, and such a positive start to term 5.
Take care of you and yours and stay well. And, bless the weather through this difficult time!
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher. Springfields Academy.
ReachSouth Director SEND.
Friday 17th April
Dear Parent / Carer
I hope that Easter was as good as it could be for you all. Welcome back to term 5. The launch of ‘The Springfields Academy Virtual School’ at the end of term 4 was a great success, enabling Springfields pupils to access education online. Thank you. This success was made possible due to the close working partnerships we have with you. We all hope these strong and vital partnerships will continue into term 5.
To help us further develop our work, we will be introducing a new virtual platform from Monday 20th April called ‘Padlet’. This easy to use platform will enable your child to access education that meets their needs. They will be able to establish a dialogue with their teacher, upload learning, photos and videos and receive feedback on their learning. Your child’s teacher/tutor will send you the link you need to click on and your child’s personal log in details and will support with access to learning.
Teaching staff have been working hard to prepare the material ready for next week. We think it’s a great package for Monday, but I know it will not be at all easy for the children to re-engage with learning, especially at first. Teachers know and respect this and will be working hard to build off a foundation of fantastic relationships and the great work that has already been completed. The project work in cooking, gardening and science etc that was completed across the holidays was superb. I think I’ll be writing some more postcards soon!
Dominic Raab confirmed last night, what we all probably knew anyway; that lockdown will continue for at very least another three weeks. He went on to say; "There is light at the end of the tunnel’ It’s of some comfort to believe that’s true but in the meantime we will remain committed to working through this and apply all our skill and knowledge to making this work as well as it can. There will be no quick return but please be assured, the planning for return is already in hand.
Please also take time to access The Therapy Blog on the website, which contains lots of simple ideas about how to help us all stay calm.
Also watch out this week for a new video on the website, the staff toilet roll challenge (more fun, and more difficult, than it sounds!)
Take care and stay well. We will all be back – just not yet!
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher. Springfields Academy.
ReachSouth Director SEND.
Friday 3rd April
Dear Parents / carers
Thank you for supporting us this week. I don’t underestimate the challenge you all face at home but can assure you that your messages back to staff mean a huge amount, and will inspire us to keep finding new ways forward.
I’ve had fantastic feedback about so many different types of independent learning; from spells to capture dragons to good old improvement and practice in maths , reading and writing. It’s obviously been more difficult for some to adapt but we’ll keeping working with you to find a way through.
Next week, Monday April 6, would have been the start of the Easter holidays. Because of this, the learning platforms that your children have been using will pause for the Easter break with a re-launch on Monday 20th April. Teachers will be providing optional Easter projects if they need an engaging activity to keep them entertained in the holiday. The Senior leaders point of contact will remain on the website if needed.
We are clearly in this situation for the long term but we will keep learning and keep supporting you as long as this lasts. Then we will resume all our strengths as a school as quickly as we possibly can.
We aim to come out of this stronger, and will do that with your support.
Take care , stay safe.
With kind regards and best wishes
Mr Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher
27th March 2020
Dear Parent / Carer
Most importantly I hope that you’re all ok and coping with all the changes we now face.
I want us to look on this as a good week. The learning that has gone on at home has been amazing. Thank you so much for supporting your child in their learning at home. The writing, lego, art work, workouts etc have all been outstanding. I hope we’re all feeling proud right now. We have tried to celebrate as much and as many as possible, and I hope you’ve been able to access our Facebook or twitter accounts.
We have started our provision this week on site for the children of key workers. We will now start to look at supporting other children and families on an individual basis. We are putting together a way for you to request respite if you need it, and this will be clarified next week. Bear with us and remember, home is still the safest place to be.
Our website contains lots of links and ideas for learning, but also for help with managing anxiety. Two links that the Therapy team recommend are a fantastic YouTube channel called Cosmic Kids Yoga. Yoga will both help calm the body and mind and also give the body the movement in needs in a slower controlled way and help reduce anxieties. It’s aimed at children but parents can join in too. Here’s a link to one of the classes, there are lots to do and each one focuses on a different character. This may help with access to public places being reduced. There is also an app called Stop, Breathe & Think Kids. It is a mindfulness and meditation app but delivered with a fun interactive element. There are also mindfulness and anxiety strategies coming out soon on Springfields Academy YouTube Channel
In the weeks ahead we will do all we can, I apologise in advance if for some of you it is not enough, but we will keep communicating, we will keep supporting you and we will keep Springfields fully alive so that it is even better and stronger when all this is over. We have learned a lot about how to support this week, we will keep putting that learning into practice.
Take care and stay well!
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
23rd March 2020
Dear Parent / Carer
Re: Opening of Springfields Academy to support children of Key Workers only.
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding. It is good to see the many positive comments about the exciting learning that is now taking place at home.
Last week, the Government announced that all schools will close until further notice, to all except the children of ‘key workers’ and ‘vulnerable learners’. The Government has now provided advice regarding who these key workers are, and we have been making contact with you to determine how many key workers we have amongst our parents. A full list of critical workers and further information is available on the website:
Parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response include those who work in health and social care and many other key sectors outlined on the link above. Government advice states that, “Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. And every child who can be safely cared for at home should be.” However, we are now exploring how we set up a reduced, safe provision for the children of those parents in the identified key sectors.
Our provision for the children of key workers will begin on Wednesday (25th March) If you are an identified key worker we will communicate a finalised plan for Wednesday by 1200 latest, on Tuesday 24th. We will ensure we have the correct levels of staff to keep children safe as well as ensuring the site is clean and virus-free. We will initially be open only for those children who absolutely need to attend. Our three guiding principles are to reduce the risk of infection spread, support front line Covid-19 staff, and safeguard our most vulnerable children.
Springfields staff will continue to ensure that all of you and your children are as best supported as possible during this difficult time. We will stay in touch in a number of ways; by phone, email and via a number of other platforms. I apologise for the fact that some of you may have received multiple phone calls over the last few days. We will get this right! The Facebook page and website are being monitored, with further updates and work to keep students engaged and occupied. On the website are a number of support services, including key staff contacts should you need us. This will remain in place for all students for the duration of the school closure.
We will keep parents and carers updated as regularly as possible. This is a very busy and hard time for all of us. Please take care of yourselves and each other and keep in touch with us.
If you need further clarification, please contact the school on
On behalf of Springfields staff and Governors, thank you for your ongoing support.
Jon Hamp
Executive Headteacher. Springfields Academy.
ReachSouth Director SEND.
18th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
Reference: School Closure Thursday March 19th 2020.
I am writing to let you know that we have taken the decision to close Springfields Academy as of Thursday March 19th 2020. This is due to illness and absence among staff, combined with rising anxiety among our pupils, and will be for the foreseeable future. I would like to emphasise that we have not had a single confirmed, or even suspected, case of the Coronavirus among staff or students.
We have not taken this decision lightly, but have done so in the interests of keeping our staff and students safe until we are ready to reopen. We had considered alternative options, such as combining classes into bigger groups, but decided against this as being unsuitable for the needs of our students.
We will continue to set work for your child over this period. Some of this they will bring home with them and they can access it online using our website.
This continues to be a very uncertain period, which we are working hard to manage. We will maintain contact on a regular basis even during school closure – and at the very latest, I will write to you again next week with any update I may have.
Should you have any further queries, you can contact us using the email address and I will do my best to answer them.
I would like to reiterate that our staff are committed to ensuring your child receives the highest standard of education, and they are with me in wishing you and yours the very best wishes at this difficult time.
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
Senior Leadership Contacts:
Jon Hamp: 07596 280684
- Mike Thomas: 07907 627312
- Lee Davidson: 07394 554194
- Nicola Whitcombe: 07546 237722
- Laura Tilley (all residential) : 07907 627313
- Rebecca Deacon (Springfields South): 07930227524
- CEO Letter April 9 2020
- CEO Letter to all employees 12 March 2020
- CEO Letter to all employees 18 March 2020
- Director of the Learning Environment Update 13 March 2020
- Exceptional Circumstances Briefing 17 March 2020
- Letter from CEO to parents 26 March 2020
- Online Safety Letter 3 April 2020
- Results and Appeals Summer 2020