The Springfields Academy

Reach South Academy Trust

Our central mission is for Reach South pupils to aspire to achieve beyond the expectations that others place on them.

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Discovery Curriculum Assessment

Assessment in Discovery classrooms is ongoing and directly informs curriculum implementation. Data is reported three times a year in line with Ofsted recommendations. Following this detailed analysis of pupil’s data takes place in the form of pupil progress meetings to identify what is working and how we can remove any barriers to learning for each pupil.

Pupils are assessed against a variety of frameworks and criteria.

Engagement model:

As pupils begin this pathway not engaged in subject specific study, our assessment frameworks embody the essence of the Engagement Model (July 2020), however they are designed to scaffold the small steps of progress towards a subject specific curriculum.

Discovery Core and MAPP

English and Maths are assessed against the Discovery Core Framework which correlates to pre Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 1 National curriculum objectives. As the progress of the pupils may be lateral the Discovery Core Frameworks use the MAPP structure of assessment of Lateral Progress (ALP) which assesses the development of four aspects of skills and knowledge using a ten-point rating scale. These four aspects are: independence, fluency, maintenance and generalisation.  Each of these aspects has descriptors which represent progress from emergent presentation to competence along the ten-point rating scale. The values on the rating scale facilitate analysis, comparisons and graphic representations of data.

Discovery Foundation

The foundation curriculum reflects EQUALS Semi formal curriculum amongst other resources. Foundation learning is assessed in Discovery Classes using a three point scale; Working towards, achieved with support or achieved independently.



EHCP targets are broken into smaller personalised learning targets. These are used to inform planning and are assessed and updated continuously.


Discovery Curriculum Core Subject Target setting.



















The Discovery Core curriculum has been split to create year group age related target.

Based on these expectations each pupil will start the year with a core target set of 12% of the Maths and Literacy frameworks. This equates to approx.  4% progress in Autumn term, 4% in Spring term and 4% in Summer term. Pupils new to Springfields will be baselined in October.

Individual targets may be amended in pupil progress meetings to reflect challenges the learner may be facing. This allows for assessing of lateral progress and to ensure skills are learnt and can be transferred to a range of contexts. We recognise that knowledge may be spiky and so children may be working on objectives from more than one stage at a time, therefore targets are based on the complete framework not by stage.

If children exceed age related targets by 10% a formal review meeting will take place between the class teacher, semi-formal lead and SENCO to consider curriculum assessment and determine access to the formal curriculum. This may be subject specific or more generalised.