Major Pathways
Building Safe, Independent Lives
In Year 9, 10 and 11 pupils can choose a 'Major Pathway' in an area they would like to study in depth.
Each Major Pathway enables pupils to study at their level of challenge through a differentiated offer:
Concreate Pathway - Working towards outcomes at Entry Level 1-3
Core Pathway - Working towards outcomes at Level 1
Challenge Pathway - Working towards outcomes at Level 2
The Major Pathway options are:
- Design and Technology/ Construction
- Catering and Hospitality
- Animal Care
- P.E. and Sport
- ICT/Media
Animal Care (Explorer Curriculum - Pathways menu tab)
Catering Pathway (Explorer Curriculum - Pathways menu tab)
ICT and Media (Explorer Curriculum - Pathways menu tab)
Construction Pathway (Explorer Curriculum - Pathways menu tab)