The Springfields Academy

Reach South Academy Trust

Our central mission is for Reach South pupils to aspire to achieve beyond the expectations that others place on them.

Visit Site





Packham class is named after the TV presenter Chris Packham.

Packham (ID 1226)



Our Learning

Term 1: Class Timetable and Topic Web

Topic Web

 Packham Class Timetable

Home Learning Links:


Image result for white rose maths

Maths home learning | Home learning | White Rose Maths (

Maths games and activities!

BBC Teach - YouTube

KS1 Maths - BBC Teach

KS2 Maths - BBC Teach

Image result for PRIMARY GAMES ARENA


Image result for TOPMARKS EDUCATION LOGO  Fun Maths games! 


Across the Curriculum

BBC Teach - YouTube

Primary Teaching Resources - BBC Teach


Image result for PRIMARY GAMES ARENA

The Springfields Academy You Tube Channels

Springfields Academy You Tube

Springfields Academy LOTC You Tube