Return to the Academy COVID 19 Information
On this page you will find:- Most recent communication from the Executive Headteacher, Jon Hamp and the Headteacher, Mike Thomas
- Key Documents - Covid 19
risk assessment covid 19 may 28th update.pdf
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Following the government announcement I am pleased to say that school will re-open for all pupils from Monday 8th March.
To fully prepare for resumption on Monday 8th March the school will be shut to all pupils on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th March and there will be no live lessons on these days. However, a project/work will be set for your son/daughter to complete at home.
All secondary age pupils will be offered a lateral flow Covid-19 test at the beginning of the week. In order to complete this test we will need your parental/carer consent. If your child is secondary age, you will receive a message from parent pay asking to provide consent for the testing process. We understand that not all pupils will want a test, or are anxious about the process and as a result there will be lots of support from school staff so that as many pupils as possible can partake in the testing regime.
In addition, all secondary pupils will be encouraged to wear masks during lessons and in communal areas to further protect them and stop any transmission. Again, we understand that some pupils will be unable to do this due to anxiety, sensory profile or communication and language barriers.
I would like to thank you all for your continued support and patience in these challenging times. Some of you may have a questions regarding the return to school and therefore I am arranging an open parental teams meetings on Monday 1st March at 1.30pm, where I will be able to run through our internal procedures, and answer questions you may have regarding the return to school. If you would like to access this meeting then please contact who will send you the relevant link.
Kind Regards
Mike Thomas
Friday 1st January 2021
Dear Parent / Carer
Re: Return to School. Tuesday 5th January as planned for Primary pupils.
Wednesday 6th January for Secondary pupils.
Happy New Year! Never has the phrase needed to mean so much. I hope that you’ve had the best time possible over the past two weeks.
You will be aware of the changes in tiers, the additional pressures on schools to deliver lateral flow testing and the proposed delay to the start of term 3 nationally for secondary aged pupils. To clarify we will resume as planned with our training day on Monday January 4th. School will reopen and all primary Pupils will return on January 5th.
All secondary aged pupils ( year 7-11) will return a day later on Wednesday 6th.
Current Planned Schedule:
Friday 1st. SLT meeting. Confirm planning and send comms to parents, staff.
Monday 4th. Training day. ( already booked in and communicated)
-Set up testing area.
-further Alert all staff.
Tuesday 5th. All primary return ( Passenger Transport willing)
-Secondary pupils stay off school to enable specific training for secondary tutors and associated staff (building from closest relationships) re testing.
-tutors communicate with parents to gain verbal consent.
Wednesday 6th. Secondary pupils return.
Monday 11th. Testing begins.
Therefore In the week January 4th-11th we will assess our capability to deliver testing for secondary aged pupils whilst gaining your consent. All our precautionary measures will remain robust and further levels of communication as required will follow.
Here is some information for you on the tests that you may find useful:
Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) in schools
The government has asked schools to conduct a LFT programme due to the concern that asymptomatic cases in young people will lead to the spread of coronavirus and a huge rise in cases in local communities.
What is a LFT?
The LFT is a type of COVID test. The person being tested is required to swab their nose and throat and the test is carried out immediately, with results being given in approximately 30 minutes.
What if the LFT is positive?
Staff and students who test positive will be informed about their results individually. Parents or legal guardians of students will also be notified.
What if the LFT is negative?
If the LFT is negative, no further action is required. However, it is vital that students still follow our social distance bubbles, have good hand hygiene, wear a facemask when moving around the building and have well- ventilated rooms.
We are continuing to work with the Department for Education in order to be in a position to provide testing to as many secondary-age students as soon as possible, for Covid-19, in January.
I do appreciate how difficult it is for those of you with secondary aged pupils to change plans at this late stage which is why I wanted to contact to give you as much time as possible to put arrangements in place. As you can imagine, this new change will be logistically challenging, therefore your patience will be much appreciated. We will communicate any further changes and updates as soon as possible on Monday 4th January 2021.
Thank you again for all your support throughout 2020. We will need this again through 2021. Much as I know that we all want and need assurance, everything indicates that there will be further disruptions at some point in 2021 and the only intelligent standpoint is to be aware of this and to be prepared for it. We will continue to communicate as effectively and frequently as we need to.
Please also be assured that your children’s teachers and all the staff who support in many other roles, will continue to adapt and to serve, and worked tirelessly in 2020 to meet need. Much will be asked of them again and I have no doubt that they will meet the challenge. Please support them and remember that they have their families and their worries too.
We are looking forward to seeing your children on the 5th and 6th and then getting back to what we do best!
Kind regards
Jon Hamp
Mike Thomas
Key Documents - Covid 19
- 2 Daily health check
- BackToSchool Primary A4Leaflet Eng August 2020
- BackToSchool Secondary A4Leaflet Eng August 2020
- covid test handbook
- COVID testing consent
- Face coverings
- How to do your COVID test
- Lateral Flow Testing useful information
- Risk assessment Covid 19 April 19th update
- Self swabbling collection procedure